Our Leadership development workshops are delivered
online or in-person
All our workshops are designed and personalized to your needs
We also offer workshops (online or in-person) on the following themes (for more, please consult us)
Lead Teams through change
Communicate with impact using active listening
Cultivate a growth mindset and grow resilience
Enhance your emotional intelligence
Build trust and psychological safety
Coach as a Leader
Deliver impactful presentations and story telling
Use feedback and feedforward efficiently
Manage your time and priorities
Hold effective and courageous conversations
Lead in uncertain and complex times
Master development conversations
Lead Teams through Change
* Understand how to manage a situation of change or crisis in your team.
* Understand the principles of a VUCA world and the different reactions to change
* Adapt your leadership style according to the situation and Identify the necessary actions to drive change, for yourself and your teams.
* Learn how to manage resistance to change.
* Understand your own triggers in a situation of change based on Neuroscience.
Cultivate a growth mindset and grow resilience
* Understand the characteristics of a growth mindset and its impact in your life and at work
* Identify your personal triggers to better lead yourself, your team, your organization in this ever changing and uncertain world.
* Enhance our openness as leaders during challenges.
* Discover ways to cultivate a growth mindset and its language.
Build trust and psycholgical safetty
* Build long term and sincere relationships at work
* Understand the characteristics of trust
* Measure your trust quotient at work
* Increase trustworthiness in challenging situations
* Integrate trust- building habits into your daily routine
* Understand the impact of vulnerability on trust
* Develop a culture of “speak up” and understand the impact of psychological safety at work to increase your personal efficiency and your team effectiveness
* Develop the right mindset (and tools) to empower your teams
Communicate with impact and active listening
* Understand the different styles of communication (Carl Jung).
* Navigate the different styles and learn how to adapt your communication accordingly.
* Learn how to reinforce your active listening for a stronger impact and sustainable relationships.
Enhance your Emotional Intelligence
*Understand the key components of emotional intelligence
* Assess your EQ level and understand the importance for leaders to acknowledge their emotions and regulate them.
* Identify your triggers and how to respond the them.
* How do you lead with emotional intelligence?
* Understand how to better connect and build positive relationships
* Align your intentions and your impact on others.
* Maximize team performance using emotional intelligence.
Coach as a Leader
* Understand the principles and main techniques for coaching
* Understand the impact of coaching vs telling
* Promote coaching as a leadership skill to help grow people and teams
* Provide a framework for coaching conversations
* Develop listening skills and questioning techniques
* Differentiate coaching from other kinds of conversations
Using feedback and feedforward efficiently
* Enhance your communication.
* Understand how to give/receive effective feedback.
* Create the context for effective feedback.
* Hold courageous conversations
* Engage in a real and open dialogue
* Develop trust-based relationships
Impactful presentations and story telling
* Deliver impactful and structured presentations.
* Know how to write a story board
* Focus on your audience and adapt your presentation
* Understand the fundamental techniques, from the preparation phase to the delivery.
* Understand the impact of body language
* Address nervousness and learn how to breathe and relax.
* Use visual aids effectively
Lead in uncertain and complex times
* Adapt your leadership style to navigate uncertainty.
* Have open dialogue discussions and share best practices, building a solid basis for developing new habits and practices.
* Make effective decisions in complex situations.
* Deal with ambiguity and work better in an unpredictable environment.
Manage your time and priorities effectively
* Manage your priorities and identify the “important” vs the “urgent”
* Create new habits to grow your resilience
* The “2 hours challenge”
* Learn how to say "no" without damaging your relationships
* Deal with the “time thieves”
*Understand the importance of resilience and how to grow it
Hold effective and courageous conversations
* Identify the different types of conversations according to the situation and people
* Understand your circle of influence and how to influence others
* Practice tough conversations, to become an exceptional communicator (role plays)
* Learn the art of holding effective critical and courageous conversations (how to open and close a conversation positively & constructively)
* Using radical and active listening to stay present in a conversation.
Master development conversations
* Understand the characteristics of a 2-way conversation, between manager and employee.
* Learn crucial skills for powerful Developmental Conversations.
* Identify professional development opportunities, investigate barriers to an employee’s ability to meet job performance goals and expectations
* Identify performance improvement opportunities in the interactive process of goal-setting, observation and evaluation to support, retain and develop employees throughout the year.
* Build a coaching culture focusing on both personal and business growth.