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Blue Skies

Our Leadership development workshops are delivered

online or in-person 

All our workshops are designed and personalized to your needs

We also offer workshops (online or in-person) on the following themes (for more, please consult us)

  • Lead Teams through change

  • Communicate with impact using active listening

  • Cultivate a growth mindset and grow resilience

  • Enhance your emotional intelligence

  • Build trust and psychological safety

  • Coach as a Leader

  • Deliver impactful presentations and story telling

  • Use feedback and feedforward efficiently

  • ​Manage your time and priorities 

  • Hold effective and courageous conversations

  • Lead in uncertain and complex times

  • Master development conversations

Lead Teams through Change

* Understand how to manage a situation of change or crisis in your team.

* Understand the principles of a VUCA world and the different reactions to change

* Adapt your leadership style according to the situation and Identify the necessary actions to drive change, for yourself and your teams.

* Learn how to manage resistance to change.

* Understand your own triggers in a situation of change based on Neuroscience.

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Cultivate a growth mindset and grow resilience 

* Understand the characteristics of a growth mindset and its impact in your life and at work

* Identify your personal triggers to better lead yourself, your team, your organization in this ever changing and uncertain world.

* Enhance our openness as leaders during challenges.

* Discover ways to cultivate a growth mindset and its language.

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Build trust and psycholgical safetty

* Build long term and sincere relationships at work

Understand the characteristics of trust

* Measure your trust quotient at work

* Increase trustworthiness in challenging situations

* Integrate trust- building habits into your daily routine

* Understand the impact of vulnerability on trust

Develop a culture of “speak up” and understand the impact of psychological safety at work to increase your personal efficiency and your team effectiveness

* Develop the right mindset (and tools) to empower your teams


Communicate with impact and active listening

* Understand the different styles of communication (Carl Jung).

* Navigate the different styles and learn how to adapt your communication accordingly.

* Learn how to reinforce your active listening for a stronger impact and sustainable relationships.


Enhance your Emotional Intelligence

*Understand the key components of emotional intelligence

* Assess your EQ level and understand the importance for leaders to acknowledge their emotions and regulate them.

* Identify your triggers and how to respond the them.

How do you lead with emotional intelligence? 

* Understand how to better connect and build positive relationships

* Align your intentions and your impact on others.

* Maximize team performance using emotional intelligence.


Coach as a Leader

* Understand the principles and main techniques for coaching

* Understand the impact of coaching vs telling

* Promote coaching as a leadership skill to help grow people and teams

* Provide a framework for coaching conversations

* Develop listening skills and questioning techniques

* Differentiate coaching from other kinds of conversations


Using feedback and feedforward efficiently

* Enhance your communication.

* Understand how to give/receive effective feedback.

* Create the context for effective feedback.

* Hold courageous conversations

* Engage in a real and open dialogue

* Develop trust-based relationships


Impactful presentations and story telling

* Deliver impactful and structured presentations.

* Know how to write a story board

* Focus on your audience and adapt your presentation

* Understand the fundamental techniques, from the preparation phase to the delivery.

* Understand the impact of body language

* Address nervousness and learn how to breathe and relax.

* Use visual aids effectively


Lead in uncertain and complex times

* Adapt your leadership style to navigate  uncertainty.

* Have open dialogue discussions and share best practices, building a solid basis for developing new habits and practices.

* Make effective decisions in complex situations.

* Deal with ambiguity and work better in an unpredictable environment.


Manage your time and priorities effectively 

* Manage your priorities and identify the “important” vs the “urgent”

* Create new habits to grow your resilience

* The “2 hours challenge” 

* Learn how to say "no" without damaging your relationships

* Deal with the “time thieves”

*Understand the importance of resilience and how to grow it

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Hold effective and courageous conversations

* Identify the different types of conversations according to the situation and people

* Understand your circle of influence and how to influence others

* Practice tough conversations, to become an exceptional communicator (role plays)

* Learn the art of holding effective critical and courageous conversations (how to open and close a conversation positively & constructively)

* Using radical and active listening to stay present in a conversation.

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Master development conversations

 * Understand the characteristics of a 2-way conversation, between manager and employee.

* Learn crucial skills for powerful Developmental Conversations.

* Identify professional development opportunities, investigate barriers to an employee’s ability to meet job performance goals and expectations

* Identify performance improvement opportunities in the interactive process of goal-setting, observation and evaluation to support, retain and develop employees throughout the year.

* Build a coaching culture focusing on both personal and business growth.

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